Friday, April 19, 2013

Meal obsession!

I wanted to share one of my favorite meals recently. I feel like I eat this for breakfast lunch and dinner! It's so quick and easy, so versatile and SO delicious.
Call it what you want but basically it's my version of huevos rancheros So here is what I do.

1) corn tortilla in toaster oven on 375 for about 6 min. You can also put it on the oven, in the microwave, whatever you want to do to make it crunchy!

2) Hop on over to your stove and cook some black beans. (you can also microwave, just warm them babies up!)

3) make an egg, I like over medium, but make it however you want.

4) Get some toppings, I reach for hummus, mango peach salsa, spinach, cilantro, avocado, ground flax seed and plain greek yogurt (such a good sour cream replacement, you can use non-greek yogurt too!) I personally like the taste of all these toppings together but on top of that it's a great well rounded variety of nutritious, delicious food!

5) grab your tortilla, I put the hummus on first, then put everything on top in any order!

6) Eat away! :) It can be messy to eat but I eat it like a chip almost nice big delicious chip!! (Doesn't it look delicious?!)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Quickest dinner ever...really!

Okay so I have continually struggled with eating healthy because in my mind it was always hard and took a ton of time. Until recently I discovered it's just about throwing healthy things together to make your own delicious meal. There is no need to follow the hour long recipes with stuff that tastes just "okay" or falling into the trap of "healthy" recipes that really are not that good for you.
I have a confession though, I love soup! It's easy to make, delicious, and super filling. Plus you can really do anything you want to it. 
So here is a meal idea for people like me who don't realize how easy it is to cook healthy and don't really want to cook long dinners but really want a quick delicious healthy meal.

I'll call this umm....
Quick soup from your fridge!
(to generic? I'm not a creative at naming, call it whatever you want LOL!)

Start with however much water you want and bring to a boil.
 I did 4 cups

Throw in whatever bullion cubes you want (you could use broth but substitute that for some water)
I chose 2 veggie cubes

Throw in whatever veggies you want. (You can also add meat, I'd have precooked meat if you want this to be fast, but cooking it doesn't take to much more time)
I picked about 10 sugar snap peas, 10 carrots, 5 strips of bell peppers, 2 stalks of celery (and even 4 pieces of apple)
Cut all these ups into the size you want, put into boiling water
took me about two minutes

Add spices (whatever you want!) 
I picked garlic powder, pepper, a tiny bit of cinnamon and basil

Boil veggies in water
I did this for about 10 minutes, until everything is soft

Ready to eat!

Seriously though, takes about 12-15 minutes all together for a delicious healthy meal that you can make however YOU want!


It's been forever since I've posted something on our blog. Most of you know what is going on in our lives but for those of you who don't know and would like some updates I want to share them with you!! :)

For starters we only have 4 weeks left of school! OH YA! I am so excited!
Primarily I am super excited to be working  a bunch more before my 5 weeks of vacation and one week of Samantha Mcfall's visit :)
This summer Brent and I will be spending a week in Washington, a week on a cruise to Alaska with my family (during our 2 year anniversary!), then I will be heading to Washington D.C to spend three weeks with my sister!
I am really excited to get a chance to spend some time with my sister! Growing up she was already in college when I was pretty young so we've never got to spend to much time together, but the time we have spent together is AMAZING and this will be the first time we really get together with both of us being "adults" so I'm really thrilled!

Brent is working full time at Schedulicity and going to school part-time. He is getting a Bachelors in Computer Science and should graduate in about 3-years as of right now.

I am working part time for Needle as a independent contractor for Norwegian Cruise Line chatting with customers on their website. I am also the Business Manager for the school newspaper at MSU called The Exponent. That job won't really start until fall semester but I am learning a lot now and am loving it, it's going to be an amazing opportunity! I am getting a Bachelors in Business- Accounting and a minor in Sociology(just because I really enjoy the classes and won't take me very many credits, so why not!), and I will graduate in about 3-years as well.

I'm sure everyone knows by now we moved into a new apartment on campus last August and have loved it a lot more then our old one. We are very grateful to be able to be in a better apartment however we still can not wait to have a house.

We got a lizard! His name is Nimrod, because he loves to hunt, however he is slightly stupid, the name was a perfect fit for him! He loves crickets, meal worms, digging, basking in the light and his skin sheds...pretty cool guy! (we think it's a boy)

We are trying to eat healthier (FOR REAL THIS TIME!) We've realized we have gained to much weight since being married and it needs to stop! We want to be healthier and look better! So don't tempt us with cookies.....(well maybe one) ;)

No babies are planned for our near, our marriage and careers are our primary focus right now. Need a good foundation before we have babies.

We are really enjoying more then ever being married right now. The first year I'm not going to lie was SO difficult! I don't know how we didn't kill each other =P But each and every day we find ourselves falling more and more in love, and still getting butterflies. It's been incredible and I can't wait to continue to see what our future will look like!

Hope you enjoyed our update!
I've started realizing this semester I kind of enjoy writing more then I thought. So expect more post in the future!